Comedy at The Hippodrome
Find out what else The Hippodrome Casino has on offer.
Brendon Burns is quite simply a legend of comedy. He’s won the top
prize at the Edinburgh Fringe, starred in Channel 4’s iconic “11
O’Clock Show” and even quit as a presenter of “I’m a Celebrity…Get
Me Out of Here! NOW!”. I’ve you’ve seen him before you’ll snap up the
opportunity to catch him at the Hippodrome. If you’ve not seen him
before, you’ll wonder why you’ve left it so long.
“Not only hilarious, but also eye-opening” – Edinburgh Festivals Magazine
At only twenty, Tom Lucy is one of the youngest comedians working in
the UK. He won the prestigious Leicester Mercury Comedian of the Year
in 2016, has already toured his show internationally, and is currently
supporting Jack Whitehall on his major UK tour.
“Watch him live and you’ll quickly understand the excitement” – The Guardian
Over 10 million YouTube hits (including the iconic London Underground Song), winner of the 2014 London Cabaret Awards, writer of numerous TV comedies.
“Brilliant – it left us with eyeliner streaming down our face” – Cosmopolitan
“Extremely funny. Never less than utterly clever” – Telegraph